The Best Psychologists and Psychiatrists
in Hyderabad

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Our Team of Psychologists and Psychiatrists in Hyderabad

Unparalleled experience combined with unmatched expertise

Available In-person
Dr. Bopanna Sridhar
Consultant Psychiatrist
Price / session


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6 years of experience

Kanchana Musrif
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
Price / session


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M. Phil, M.A.
10 years of experience

Dr. Lakshman Sudhir Gandham
Consultant Psychiatrist
Price / session


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M.D (Psychiatry), MBBS
9 years of experience

Priyanka Kema
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
Price / session


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M.Phil & M.Sc (Clinical Psychology)
4 years of experience

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Why is consulting a mental health professional is the best thing to do?

Mental Health Disorders are quite naturally taxing both on the individual and the caregiver. Unlike physical health issues, mental health disorders may not always have obvious tell-tale signs. Understanding these signs, though often buried deep within is crucial for effective recovery.

Our team of mental health professionals assesses both mental and physical aspects of the disorder in Hyderabad. They diagnose and treat mental health disorders and also prescribe medication when necessary. We also have a range of therapies to treat mental health disorders in Hyderabad.

We have some of the best psychiatrists and psychologists in Hyderabad. Our mental health professionals leverage the latest infrastructure and treatment approaches to ensure optimal recovery.

Consult an expert professional

Seeing a therapist for the first time?

Here's a checklist.

Are you carrying your medical records?

Carry medical history that might be relevant. Previous consultation records (if any), Prescriptions, lab reports, etc. All the information will help us build a more accurate picture.


Is the accomplice a primary care-giver?

It's preferable that close family members / guardians who knows the person and the condition accompany the individual for the consultation for we can get reliable information and thus arrive at an accurate diagnosis.


Have you observed the individual enough?

Try to thoroughly observe the individual and the symptoms before the consultation for this helps you effectively answer the psychiatrists' questions.


Have you made notes of your observations?

Making notes of your observations and documenting the signs and symptoms can go a long way in ensuring an accurate diagnosis. And remember, simplicity is the key. Try and avoid jargons while describing the symptoms, it's best to explain it in laymen's words.

Still feeling doubtful?

Talk to us

Why trust us with your mental healthcare in Hyderabad?

We, at Cadabam’s, have spent over 3 decades building the perfect recovery experience for you. Our team of expert psychiatrists and psychologist in Hyderabad focuses on understanding the underlying causes beneath your mental health disorder to craft a treatment approach that is tailor-made for you.

We provide a supportive and compassionate environment to ensure comfort and well-being throughout your recovery journey in Hyderabad.

Still unsure if you need a therapist?

Avail a free screening